Wednesday, November 29, 2006

hi my name is.....

hi my name is mach5 and i reside on the blues blog. you can find me lurking here to answer all of your questions regarding blues bike and fitness, the blues blog. and remember you cant fake the funk of a nasty dunk!


KimC said...

Hey Mach5, I know this question is getting old, but any thoughts on winter training get-togethers at Blue's???

J.R.A. said...

Kim C,

There is a lot of talk at this point. How much interest is there? And what kind of format would people like. I know know some shops put in a training DVD and do it that way. Otherwise we might have to track down some actual spin class leaders. Any feedback would be great.


KimC said...

j.r.a.-thanks for the response-I'll keep my ears open for feedback.

BLUEIF said...

yo mach 5
I'm on my feet all day and man do they hurt! What kinda shoes do you like?

Anonymous said...


Why do you want to know what kind of shoes he wears? Are you one of those wierdos with a foot fetish?